Tantra massage for couples

Tantra massage with intimate massage

Tantric massage is a type of massage that goes back thousands of years, based on the teachings and experiences of Eastern sages. according to spiritual teachings, the body, spirit and soul form one unit, therefore, if some experience or effect affects one, it also affects the functioning of the other two.

Tantric massage is a full-body massage consisting of delicate, soft, sensual touches, which, if the receiving party is ready, can also include an intimate massage (ionic/lingam massage).

Part of this type of massage is awakening the energy of desire, making it flow in the body, or even raising it to an orgasmic state. Despite this, it is not aimed at orgasm, in fact it encourages sexual continence and energy retention. (external orgasm with ejaculation, loss of energy, and discharge is strictly contraindicated for both women and men)

We use the retention of energy, its elevation to the heart chakra, reclassification, and refinement to initiate self-healing processes, to initiate healing forces in the body, and to release blocks and blockages.

Briefly about the Lingam and Jóni massage

in the yoni Sanskrit language, it is the collective name for the female genital organs. Ionic massage is a massage of women’s intimate areas. A woman who has recognized and is able to use the power inherent in her sexuality radiates her joy of life to those around her. She embodies beauty and attracts this beauty and happiness in her life almost like a magnet.

In Sanskrit, lingam is the literal name for the male penis. A lingam massage is a massage of a man’s intimate areas, the purpose of which is not ejaculation. The lingam is a symbol of male creativity, so it needs loving attention or it loses its vitality. Lingam massage has a healing and energizing effect.

Imagine the state where, accompanied by slow, delicate, soft touches, you can experience security, stillness and total devotion. From this state, through deeper and deeper indulgence, you perceive the birth of excitement, the awakening of the senses. nourished by the depth of introspection, through the miracle of acceptance, you can experience your feminine quality and the recharging power of moments spent with your true self.

Imagine a path along which you can experience, starting from peaceful calmness, relaxation and relaxation between delicate soft touches, and step by step through the adventurous maze of excitement, you can meet yourself by crossing the gate of pleasure. with a state of your own self, the encounter of which can help you overcome painful blockages, finding your true, masculine quality. Lingam massage is a way to help you find your center by experiencing your divine nature.

The sections of the massage


coupling, arrival

Calmness section

relaxation, mellow out

Excitement section

craving wakening

Intimate massage

jóni/lingam massage, orgasmic position

Curative flotation

the pulling up of energy, sublimation

Experience massage for couples

The experience massage was created especially for couples. This is not an education, but it is possible that while the masseuse is massaging one member of the couple, the other half of the couple participates, learns the movements, and even gets involved in the process by mastering them.

A very special and intimate atmosphere usually develops at the end of the process, where the couple has the opportunity to spend some time alone.

We recommend it to couples who want to deepen the intimacy of their relationship through a special experience.

Massage experience

With 1 masseuse

Synchronized massage for couples

Synchronized massage is a special program option for couples, where both can experience the wonders of tantric massage and intimate massage at the same time.

It is possible to experience the massage in a common room or even separately from each other. At the end of the process, they have the opportunity to start processing the experiences together in order to deepen their relationship.

Synchronized massage

With 2 masseurs

Reviews about us

Csaba KleinCsaba Klein
18:18 13 Feb 22
Oktatáson vettem részt és teljesen megfogott Imi nőkhöz való hozzáállása és a szakmai profizmusa. Csodálatos élmény volt. Köszönöm!
Melinda ChikánMelinda Chikán
15:56 10 Jan 22
Még soha nem kaptam ilyen hódolatot egy férfitől sem.Nemcsak megértettem, hanem érzem is, mit jelent nőnek lenni.Azóta is finom örömként jár át annak a tudata, hogy nő vagyok.Azóta más szemmel nézem a világot és benne magamat.Köszönöm.
Soter FotoSoter Foto
13:11 02 Dec 21
Imi fantasztikus profizmussal és tisztelettel vezet be egy olyan világba, amit tabuként kezelünk tévesen nagyon sokan. A felkészültsége és odafigyelése a legjobbak közé emeli őt. Tapasztalat ádatása könnyed és új mederbe segít terelni bármilyen elakadt, téves vagy hiányos tudást.Hálás köszönet a tanításért!Folytatólagos gyakorlást és fejlődést kívánok mellette mindenkinek!
Zsolt NémethZsolt Németh
16:07 21 Oct 21
Először voltam életemben Tantra masszázson. Fantasztikus, felemelő, felkavaró és elgondolkodtató élmény volt. Ria több, mint masszőr! spirituális vezető, pszihológus, masszőr és NŐ! Hálás köszönetem! Zsolt