intimázs –
The healing intimacy

Discover  the healing power of intimate connection with yourself!

What  does tantra massage help with?

With this method, you can release your sexual blocks and experience a deeper level of relaxation.

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Get to know yourself!
It helps you get to know and accept yourself better, the way you are.

Leave the past behind!

After a breakup or divorce, you can find yourself and your inner strength.

Unleash your anxiety!
You can release and relax your barriers and blocks related to sexuality.
Recharge yourself with self-healing energy!

You can finally let go of the depressed, sluggish, unmotivated state by awakening the self-healing energy.



Immerse yourself, experience, switch off and recharge in the meditative state that brings you closer to yourself.


To experience the flow of energies in our soul and body through our hearts  throught confronting our blocks.

What does intimacy provide?

Tantric massage is a type of massage that goes back thousands of years, based on the teachings and experiences of Eastern sages, according to spiritual teachings, the body, spirit and soul form one unit, therefore, if some experience or effect affects one, it also affects the functioning of the other two.



To experience closeness, our self through each other and sensuality, to wake up together with desire.



To see the source of our greatest fears and to experience in them the possibilities of the fulfillment of our most beautiful desires.

Massage types

tantra masszazs intimazs

Tantric Yoni massage

Imagine the state where you can experience safety, relaxation and complete devotion starting from slow, delicate, soft touches. The yoni massage opens the door to the goddess living inside of You. Flow with this wonderful experience.

lingam masszazs

Tantric Lingam massage

You can meet yourself by crossing the gate of pleasure through the adventurous journey of excitement. The lingam massage is sensual, liberating, and elevates your sexuality to a completely new dimension. You are in the centre of the masseur’s focus, it is all about you!


Experience massage for couples

Erotic massage for couple is a real sensual experience. This is not an education, but it is possible while the masseuse is massaging one member of the couple, the other half of the couple participates, learns the movements, and even gets involved in the process by mastering them.

Additional massage types

For ladies, men and couples.

Intimacy & massage

These exciting experiences bring refreshment and rejuvenation of the body and the soul. 

Our own female and male energy and radiance are also renewed.

Our mission

Creating a new image of intimacy!

My mission is to get to know the world, how it works, and to pass on the understanding born in me to women and men who desire development and self-knowledge through massage, healing, and teaching.

IntImi – Cserép Imre
dreamer– founder of intimázs


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Reviews about us

Csaba KleinCsaba Klein
18:18 13 Feb 22
Oktatáson vettem részt és teljesen megfogott Imi nőkhöz való hozzáállása és a szakmai profizmusa. Csodálatos élmény volt. Köszönöm!
Melinda ChikánMelinda Chikán
15:56 10 Jan 22
Még soha nem kaptam ilyen hódolatot egy férfitől sem.Nemcsak megértettem, hanem érzem is, mit jelent nőnek lenni.Azóta is finom örömként jár át annak a tudata, hogy nő vagyok.Azóta más szemmel nézem a világot és benne magamat.Köszönöm.
Soter FotoSoter Foto
13:11 02 Dec 21
Imi fantasztikus profizmussal és tisztelettel vezet be egy olyan világba, amit tabuként kezelünk tévesen nagyon sokan. A felkészültsége és odafigyelése a legjobbak közé emeli őt. Tapasztalat ádatása könnyed és új mederbe segít terelni bármilyen elakadt, téves vagy hiányos tudást.Hálás köszönet a tanításért!Folytatólagos gyakorlást és fejlődést kívánok mellette mindenkinek!
Zsolt NémethZsolt Németh
16:07 21 Oct 21
Először voltam életemben Tantra masszázson. Fantasztikus, felemelő, felkavaró és elgondolkodtató élmény volt. Ria több, mint masszőr! spirituális vezető, pszihológus, masszőr és NŐ! Hálás köszönetem! Zsolt

Our courses

tantra masszazs intimazs

Yoni and Lingam massage training in small groups

ferfi intim masszazs intimazs

Individual Yoni and Lingam massage training


intimázs Masseur training