Intimázs Massage training

Tantra massage training with intimázs massage training

Treat your partner to a special massage that they will never forget. Imagine when, at the end of the massage, he looks at you with shining eyes, and with his eyes filled with pleasure he says: THANK YOU!

Tantric massage and energies

Tantric massage is a full-body massage consisting of delicate, soft, sensual touches, which, if the receiving party is ready, can also include an intimate massage (yoni/lingam massage).

Part of this type of massage is awakening the energy of desire, channeling it in the body, even raising it to an orgasmic state. despite this, it is not aimed at orgasm, in fact it encourages sexual continence and energy retention. (external orgasm with ejaculation, loss of energy, and discharge is strictly contraindicated for both women and men.)

We use the retention of energy, its elevation to the heart chakra, reclassification, and refinement to initiate self-healing processes, to initiate healing forces in the body, and to unblock blockages.

More than an education

Considering that this massage is much more than a series of touches, the education itself is also much more than the transfer of information and the practice of movements.

The two most defining expressions that pervade the entire education are the following: Be clear about the intention and give the way to things.

We pay special attention to the transmission of the way of thinking, to the transmission of a heart-to-heart initiation experience instead of mind-to-mind communication. In addition, the workshop nature of the education remains, i.e. the vast majority of the time spent together is entirely practical.

We are waiting for you with love and hugs!
The intimazs team

Stages of intimate massage training


arrival, short introduction

Theoretical section

transfer of theoretical information related to education

Tantric massage education

practical training on a live model

Intimate massage training

practical training on a live model


rounding off the process, discussing emerging issues

Small group massage training with Yoni/Lingam massage training

The education is about getting to know the workings of the female and male body, about how we can elevate our partner with a special experience that can manifest her “Goddess”/”Divine” quality and bring real brilliance to her everyday life. 3-4 students take part in the training, and with the instructor’s instructions, they have the opportunity to try out the movements on a live model.

Small group Yoni massage training

Individual massage training with Yoni/Lingam massage training

Similar to the small group education, the goal here is to get to know the female and male body. in this situation, however, apart from the instructor and the model, only you are present. You can get to know the mysteries of massage even more deeply, you have more opportunities to discover the most sacred point of the sources of pleasure and have a sensual massage.

Ladies can provide massage for men in our salon.

Individual Yoni massage education

Education for Couples

It consists of a combination of individual Yoni massage and individual lingam massage.

Education for Couples

Intimázs masseuse training

This training was created for those who feel a commitment to helping and supporting others within the framework of intimate massage.

In our team, empathy, openness, stability and the ability to transfer love represent an important value.

The education is made up of 4-hour blocks, the vast majority of which consists of practice, practiced on several different live models.

Intimázs masseuse training

Reviews about us

Csaba KleinCsaba Klein
18:18 13 Feb 22
Oktatáson vettem részt és teljesen megfogott Imi nőkhöz való hozzáállása és a szakmai profizmusa. Csodálatos élmény volt. Köszönöm!
Melinda ChikánMelinda Chikán
15:56 10 Jan 22
Még soha nem kaptam ilyen hódolatot egy férfitől sem.Nemcsak megértettem, hanem érzem is, mit jelent nőnek lenni.Azóta is finom örömként jár át annak a tudata, hogy nő vagyok.Azóta más szemmel nézem a világot és benne magamat.Köszönöm.
Soter FotoSoter Foto
13:11 02 Dec 21
Imi fantasztikus profizmussal és tisztelettel vezet be egy olyan világba, amit tabuként kezelünk tévesen nagyon sokan. A felkészültsége és odafigyelése a legjobbak közé emeli őt. Tapasztalat ádatása könnyed és új mederbe segít terelni bármilyen elakadt, téves vagy hiányos tudást.Hálás köszönet a tanításért!Folytatólagos gyakorlást és fejlődést kívánok mellette mindenkinek!
Zsolt NémethZsolt Németh
16:07 21 Oct 21
Először voltam életemben Tantra masszázson. Fantasztikus, felemelő, felkavaró és elgondolkodtató élmény volt. Ria több, mint masszőr! spirituális vezető, pszihológus, masszőr és NŐ! Hálás köszönetem! Zsolt